
Friday, November 16, 2012

Not Fluent but Working On It

We've been having a great time.  My brain is so packed full of spanish words and verbs it is going to explode.  tonight we went to the grand opening of a second hand clothes shop in San Juan that the school is helping to get going.  Very fun.  Cake and orange soda. You were able to buy an outfit for a child and then donate it. 

yesterday we went to some pueblos blancos and saw where and how they make pottery. But on the way there we took the Avenue of the Generals and saw the house where Sandino was born.

We hiked all around Volcan Masaya, an active volcano!


  1. Allison, this is Danielle, I met you at Mariposa. You were looking for the green salsa recipe and I finally got it! Feliz Navidad! Let me know you received this comment:

    Famous Mariposa Salsa Picante!
    1 mono de perejil (one bunch of parsley)
    8 chile jalapenos (8 jalapeno chiles)
    2 chiltoma grande (2 large bell peppers)
    1 cebolla grande (1 large onion)
    4 dientes de ajos (4 cloves of garlic)
    2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva (2 tablespoons of olive oil)
    2 cucharadas de vinagre blanco (2 tablespoons of white vinegar)
    2 cucharadas de vinagreta (2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar)
    1 cucharadas de mostaza (1 tablespoon of mustard)
    2 cucharadas de miel (2 tablespoons of honey)
    ½ cucharadas de sal (½ tablespoon of salt)
    Todo se pica y se hace licuado. (Cut all ingredients up very fine and blend together).

  2. OMG What a surprise:) It's so good to hear from you. Thank you so much:) How are you guys? Feliz año nuevo!! Muchas gracias! I can’t wait to make it.
