For me getting to the start of the trip seemed like an impossible question to answer. I went through a bunch of senerios that involved bicycles, planes, trains, automobiles and rental cars. Some facts: We live in Utah and the bike route starts in Astoria, OR. We are going to be carless come mid June after Tom drops the car off in NC with my in-laws. We wanted it to be affordable.
We finally decided the best option is to ship our bikes to a bike shop in Astoria and for a fee have them reassemble our bikes for us. All we'll have to do is pick them up! They are even letting us ship our camp stove and trailer there too. (Can't fly with the stove). We are flying to PDX and spending the night in Portland. We take a bus to Astoria the next day then checking into the Norblad Hostel. From there we'll go get our stuff at the bike shop, hit the food store and GO TO SLEEP! Start riding the next morning:)!!!!!
Now we just have to figure out how to get to the SLC airport! The PC SLC Connect does not run on Saturday or Sunday:(